2020 Has been Different

I am sure you are thinking 2020 can't end soon enough. We've been dealing with fires, distance learning, virtual healthcare appointments, and the list goes on. Our lives have been challenged in one way or another.

Last week my husband and I were able to get away from all the noise and this allowed me to reflect on all the good that has come our way this year. On a personal level, we became grandparents for the first time to our Avia Joy! She feels our hearts and every week she comes up with something new to enjoy. She is 8 months old now!:) Also, my husband is responding well to his treatment and I know this was not possible without your prayers. Thank you!

On a professional level, Silky Skin has a new home and I am very pleased with its location, size, and it's interior design. I've kept myself very busy during this closure and I just want to update you with the following:

  • I became certified to offer Virtual Facials.

  • My website was redone with an updated menu and easier online shopping and booking.

  • I attended advanced training and I can't wait to implement them! TAMA Therapy is proven to be the best in skin care and I will be offering additional treatments that reflect my holistic skin care philosophy.

  • I joined the 60Day Beauty Biz Challenge and I found it very empowering because of the support I received from like minded individuals.

Normally I like to offer my Gratitude Sale in November, but this year is different! I can't thank you enough for your continued support and loyalty. I am offering The Elogen System with a price that is better than ever. Place your order now or let me know if you want me to hold one for you!

Priced better than ever before! The Elogen System (Celagen, Alphagen, Hydragen or Intense Moisturizer) offered at $110! Savings of $65. Place your order now and use the discount code GRATITUDE2020!

Start Shopping

Did you know...

Long time before the words anti-aging were the buzz words, The Elogen System was being researched by a leading Cell Biologist, Neil Riordan. He was mapping the aging process of the human cell in his quest for a cancer cure. He found common elements as to how cells deteriorate with traditional cancer therapy and the normal process of aging cells (loss of moisture, loss of elasticity, and loss of collagen). In 1997 Complete Cosmetics introduced Alphagen, Celagen and Hydragen known as the Elogen System which is a core "anti-aging" regimen created to be used twice daily. Ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Amino Acids, Peptides, and Vitamin C are considered in 2020 to be cutting edge and gold standard ingredients. All of this has been a part of the Elogen System since 1997.

Once I am able to reopen, I will be calling my VIP call-back list first. Please reply to this email with your phone number and let me know that you would like to be added to this list. After these calls, other clients will be able to make appointments through my online scheduling software.

Live, Love, Look Beautiful,


P.S. If you're feeling as let down as I was about booking an (in person) appointment to get your skin glowing, schedule a virtual facial and I'll walk you through how to get results at home. When will I be able to "legally" get back to your face? I don't know, but I do have some beauty hacks to share with the hopes they will keep your skin looking gorgeous and your spirits up.

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Open For Appointments


Break up with your Brush