Quick Quiz

I am sending you this quick quiz for a few reasons:

  1. To make sure you're doing ok

  2. This quiz will allow me to help you get your glow back

  3. If I haven't seen your face in a while, I want to remind you that I am here for you!

POP Quiz: How Lit is Your Beauty Routine?

My beauty routine is:

A. Out of touch, Struggling. In need of inspiration.
B. I am doing the best I can, but missing my old serum I used to apply on myself.
C. Heck, I am ok considering how crazy 2020 has been!
D. Glad you asked! My beauty routine is always lit! Can't stop! Won't ever stop cleansing and moisturizing.

What your answer reveals about your beauty routine:

If you answered A, Completely understandable. 2020 has proven to be a STRANGE year to ALL! I know when I am feeling out of touch nothing makes me feel better than a self-care routine. There's an undeniable dose of feeling good that comes with a good facial cleanse and applying a deputing eye cream! Here's how I can help: right now head to your bathroom and set out your favorite cleanser, moisturizer and eye cream. Tonight commit to a self-care routine that will nourish your soul and your skin. *Please reach out tomorrow (just reply to this email) and let me know if my tip worked to help you!

If you answered B, Yup. I hear you, and I have also been feeling this way! You are (most likely) experiencing a feel-good deficit. It's normal to feel this when you are thrown for a loop. How do I personally pull myself out of this type of funk? Great questions! I start to think about what I can do right now to create healthy glowing skin. *Click here and check out my favorite pick me up facial serum.

If you answered C, I am thinking you might just need a gentle nudge in the right direction to get from, "I'm ok," to "totally lit" energy. Head to Silky Skin and get yourself on the books for an in spa or virtual beauty treatment. I bet you'll instantly feel better knowing you are finally taking care of you! I am here to tell you that you deserve a little me time!

If you answered D, Yes! #LIT YOU. GO. Girl (or Guy). I am glad you're staying on top of your routine. Here's what I would LOVE from you. Share this rock star energy! Send me smiling selfie showing off that beautiful skin, or tag me on social! Here are my handles @silky_skincare or Facebook.com/funtasticskin. The truth is ENERGY is contagious and we need to hear from people like you (now more than ever)!

Peace, Love & Beauty Routines,


P.S. Support small businesses Saturday, November 28th. I will soon be announcing a special offer for that day.

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